Travel Advisory
Sojrn Travel Alerts
At Sojrn, our number one priority is the safety and well-being of our travelers, team, and the local communities we visit. For the countries we travel to, we monitor reliable sources of information like the U.S. State Department’s travel alerts to stay up to date on anything that might impact our ability to run trips in a safe way.
For certain serious events, we will include information below about the situation and how it may affect travelers. We also encourage all travelers to sign up for the U.S State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program to receive updates that allow them to make the most informed decisions about their travel plans.
Current Travel Alerts
The Global Covid Pandemic
While the Covid situation has vastly improved in recent months, the virus does still exist. For more information on Sojrn’s current policies and practices as well as those in place in the locations we visit, please review our Covid FAQs or the U.S. State Department’s country-specific fact sheet.